
Central Bank of Nigeria Code of Corporate Governance for Banks in Nigeria Post Consolidation

(1)    The Board should meet regularly, at least 4 regular meetings in a financial year. There should be adequate notice for all Board meetings, as specified in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

(2)    MD/CEO (Head of management) and Chairman (Head of the Board) should be separate.

(3)    No two members of the same extended family should occupy the position of Chairman and CEO/Executive Director of a bank at the same time.

(4)    Government direct and indirect equity holding in any bank shall be limited to 10%. An equity holding of above 10% by any investor is subject to CBN’s prior approval.

(5)    The number of non-executive board directors should be more than that of executive directors subject to a maximum board size of 20 directors.

(6)    A committee of non-executive directors should determine the remuneration of executive directors.

(7)    Non-executive directors should not remain on the board of a bank continuously for more than 3 terms of 4 years each (12 years).

(8)    When board directors and companies/entities/persons related to them are engaged as service providers or suppliers to the bank, full disclosure of such interests should be made to the CBN.

(9)    The Board Credit Committee should have neither the Chairman of the Board nor the MD as its chairman.

(10) Internal auditors should be largely independent and be a member of a relevant professional body

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