
Who can Register a Business Name (Sole Proprietors and Partnerships) and Time for Registration of Business Names

Individuals, Partnership Firms and Companies or their combination can register a Business Name. However, there are restrictions prohibitions for infants and persons previously involved in fraudulent trade practices, respectively. Unlike in the case of infant where the Registrar has discretion, registration should be refused in case of persons previously involved in fraudulent practices. This proposition is supported by the following provisions of the Companies and Allied Matters Act.

On the one hand, by section 579(3) of CAMA, the Registrar may refuse to register a Business Name if the individual or partner in the firm is less than 18 years, and where he accepts to register, the minor’s signature must be counter-signed by that of a Magistrate, Legal Practitioner or Police Officer of the rank of ASP and above (ASP+).

On the other hand, by virtue of Section 579(4) CAMA, the Registrar shall not register a new Business Name if he has reputable evidence that the individual, firm or a company applying has previously been involved in fraudulent trade malpractices in local or international trade using another business name.

Also, where illiterate or blind persons are involved in formation of Business Name, Section 579(3) of CAMA requires that illiterate and blind jurats, respectively, should be affixed.

Lastly, by Section 574(1) of CAMA, application for registration of business name is required to be filed to the Registrar of Business Name within 28 days of the commencement of business. Thus, a business name can start business without registration but must register within 28 days of the commencement of business.

On the other hand, a company must not start business until it is registered, while non business organizations (incorporated trustees) can operate without registration; but, cannot take advantage of incidences of incorporation until their trustees are registered as incorporated trustees.

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