
Functions of the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR)

The Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) is a Leading Regulator in the Oil and Gas Sector. The agency is driven by a vision to ensure the sustainable development of Nigeria’s Oil and Gas resources across the value chain for our stakeholders through effective regulation, while entrenching world class professionalism, accountability, and transparency.

The DPR has the statutory responsibility of ensuring compliance to petroleum laws, regulations and guidelines in the Oil and Gas Industry. As part of its statutory functions, the DPR processes applications for various Licences, Permits and Approvals across the entire Oil and Gas value chain.

This ranges from Oil Exploration Licence (OEL) to Lubricant Retailers Licence. The discharge of these responsibilities involves monitoring of operations at drilling sites, producing wells, production platforms and flowstations, crude oil export terminals, refineries, storage depots, pump stations, retail outlets, any other locations where petroleum is either stored or sold, and all pipelines carrying crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products, while carrying out the following functions, among others:

(i) Supervising all Petroleum Industry operations being carried out under licences and leases in the country.

(ii) Monitoring the Petroleum Industry operations to ensure that are in line with national goals and aspirations including those relating to Flare down and Domestic Gas Supply Obligations.

(iii) Ensuring that Health Safety& Environment regulations conform with national and international best oil field practice.

(iv) Maintaining records on petroleum industry operations, particularly on matters relating to petroleum reserves, production/exports, licences and leases.

(v) Advising Government and relevant Government agencies on technical matters and public policies that may have impact on the administration and petroleum activities.

(vi) Processing industry applications for leases, licences and permits.

(vii) Ensure timely and accurate payments of Rents, Royalties and other revenues due to government .

(viii) Maintain and administer the National Data Repository (NDR). 

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