
Challenges Facing Conveyancers in Nigeria

Some of the challenges facing conveyancers in Nigeria are highlighted as follows:
(i)                Applicable Laws
Applicable laws is a challenge for conveyancers in Nigeria because of multiplicity of laws, application of obsolete laws and the technicality in  interpreting the Nigerian legislations on conveyancing as a result of the language and drafting style used in most of the statutes.
(ii)             Illiteracy
Literacy level in Nigeria is still very low; yet a sizeable number of these illiterates are engaged in land transactions. The challenge that illiteracy poses is that oftentimes illiterates do not appreciate the need to consult professionals for advice in handling their land transactions.
(iii)           Registry Practice
There are land registries established at the federal, state and local government areas of Nigeria to keep records of lands within their jurisdiction. The registries form part of the bureaucracy of government, and that explains the delay and frustration experienced by conveyancers when dealing with the registries.
(iv)           Professional Incompetence
Arguably, every lawyer is presumed to possess adequate knowledge and skill to provide legal advice to clients dealing in real property. But, the reality is that this presumption is not always true. It is a notorious fact that some lawyers do not take time to do the right thing, either because they are in a hurry or they are ignorant of the right thing to do.

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